Course Benefits



This bespoke online course was designed specifiically with the needs of Irish accountants in mind. We wanted to ensure our members had access to topics that are of relevance to their roles, to the businesses they advise and their own work environment. 2020 has changed how we work and how we learn so CPA has devised a learning platform designed to accommodate the demands of work and home faced by our members. Each bespoke module has been created by the subject matter expert specifically for you and the demands of your role as an accountant, whether you work from home or the office. Some of the topics are information based such as the modules covering tax and financial reporting while other topics, such as time management, are about changing your mindset. As these topics have different outcomes so the learning methods differ slightly.



The topics covered on this course are highly relevant to the current business environment.

  • Family Company Reorganisations & Tax Reliefs - Mairead Hennessey, TaxKey
  • Business Turnaround - Tom Murray, Friel Stafford
  • Financial Reporting - Alan Bailie, CPA Ireland
  • Strategy Beyond Numbers - Conor Carmody, Strategic Solutions
  • Getting the Right Things Done When Working from Home - Sean McLoughney, LearningCurve


Online, self-paced modules give you the flexibility to fit in your learning when it suits you best. As professionals we must continuously learn while also making sure that the job gets done, these 2 hour courses provide the flexibilty to track the last section you completed and where you can pick up again when you have the time. With e-learning, you’re taught what you need to know quickly and easily,
wherever you are. It’s learning, delivered right to you. And that yields big benefits for you and your organisation.



Our "Digital First" course was designed to create an enjoyable learning experience for our members. We have incorporated critical-thinking activities such as quizzes and decision-making scenarios that will encourage you to explore the consequences of your choices in a safe environment. These engaging interactions keep your mind active and invested in the learning while ensuring you retain the information you have absorbed. A mix of 'simple interactions' and 'complex interactions' has been employed throughout the modules, from asking you to click on a flashcard to providing answers to financial reporting conundrums. We love e-learning because it provides loads of opportunities for making a positive impact on the world, and we hope that you enjoy learning in this new and exciting digital environment.



Purchase the full Accounting for Now course

Purchase all 5 Accounting for Now modules for only €250!

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