Key Dates

Keys dates to remember and add to your calendar

12 January - Registration opens for April 2024 examinations (via MyCPA).
31 January - Deadline for submission of 2023 Training Records

MARCH 2024
5 March -  Deadline for all registered students to apply for the April 2024 examinations.

APRIL 2024
25, 26,  29, 30 April, 1, 2, 3 May -  April Examinations.  A detailed timetable can be found here.
29 April - invitations to apply for membership will be issued to all students who are both "Exam Complete" and "Training Complete"(Cohort 1) during the week commencing 29 April 2024
30 April  - Submission date for Q1 2024 Training Records

MAY 2024
24 May - closing date for Application to Membership for students in Cohort 1

JUNE 2024
14 June - April 2024 Examination Results issued.
17 June – invitations to apply for membership will be issued to all students who are both "Exam Complete" and "Training Complete" following release of April 2024 Examination Results (Cohort 2)

JULY 2024
12 July - Closing date for Application to Membership for students in Cohort 2
31 July - Submission date for Q2 2024 Training Records

2 August - Deadline for all registered students to apply for August 2024 examinations. 
22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 August - August Examinations.  A detailed timetable for the August 2024 examinations can be found here

1 September - CPA Ireland amalgamates with Chartered Accountants Ireland

11 October - August 2024 Examination Results issued.
31 October - Submission date for Q3 2024 Training Records