Amalgamation Information
In February, members of Chartered Accountants Ireland and CPA Ireland elected to join together as a single professional body.
This process will commence on the 1st of September and ultimately all of CPA’s members, students, operations, and services will be incorporated into those of Chartered Accountants Ireland.
There is some change to come - you will see a refresh of our Institute’s branding in the next year, as well as the incorporation of former CPA staff into Chartered activities. However, our members and students should not expect any significant differences in their day-to-day workings with the Institute. Any changes that do emerge during this transitionary process will be communicated clearly and directly to those impacted.
We are excited to welcome CPA’s membership and staff to Chartered Accountants House, and look forward to our collaborative future as the largest professional body on the island of Ireland.
Follow the links below for information on how the amalgamation with Chartered Accountants Ireland will affect different aspects of your membership. You can also visit the Chartered Accountants Ireland Members Hub and the Member Services A-Z for more information on the supports and resources available to you.