Strategic Level

Option 1: You can register as a student of Chartered Accountants Ireland but continue your Strategic Level examinations in accordance with the CPA Ireland education rules and procedures.  It is envisaged that CPA Ireland Strategic Level students will have up to 3 years to complete their CPA Ireland examinations from the date on which they first registered for such exams with CPA Ireland.  Once confirmed, this period will be communicated to students prior to the Amalgamation. 
Option 2: You can register as a student of Chartered Accountants Ireland and sit your Strategic Level examinations as FAE examinations under the Chartered Accountants Ireland system. Students who elect to sit their examinations under Option 2 will be required to complete their examinations in accordance with Chartered Accountants Ireland rules (i.e., students will have 3 attempts to pass the FAE’s over 3 consecutive academic cycles).
Upon completing their studies and the required experience requirements under Option 1 or Option 2 above, Strategic Level students will be eligible to apply for Associate membership of Chartered Accountants Ireland.