Frequently Asked Questions

CPA Ireland and Chartered Accountants Ireland will amalgamate on 1 September 2024.

From this date the rules and regulations of Chartered Accountants Ireland will apply to members, affiliated partners and firms of CPA Ireland.

The following FAQs have been developed for practitioners to support the transition. This is a live resource and will be updated as new guidance becomes available.

Please contact us at if you have any further queries.


  • Should I issue new letters of engagement to my clients?
    It is recommended that you review the content of your current letters of engagement to ensure that they remain relevant and reflect the regulatory framework that applies to your firm. For example if your engagement letters make references to the regulations of CPA Ireland these should be replaced by those of Chartered Accountants Ireland.
    If your firm is approved by Chartered Accountants Ireland as a Registered Auditor post amalgamation date, then this should be clear in your engagement letter.
    A template audit engagement letter is available for review here.
  • Do I need to make any changes to my letterhead?
    Firms are advised to review carefully the content of their letterheads. For information, please click here.
  • Do I need to make any changes to my Professional Indemnity Insurance?
    Transitional provisions apply to Professional Indemnity Insurance requirements. For CPA members, professional indemnity insurance held in compliance with the CPA Rules (CPA Bye Law 9, PII) at the Amalgamation Time will be deemed to comply for all renewal periods commencing on or before the 31 December 2025. For any professional indemnity insurance policies renewed on or after 1 January 2026 the requirements of the Public Practice Regulations of Chartered Accountants Ireland apply.

    For further information please click here.
  • What will my CPD requirements be?
    CPA members must implement the CPD requirements of Chartered Accountants Ireland with effect from 1 January 2025. Guidance on these requirements can be found here.

    For 2024 you should continue to meet the annual requirements of CPA Ireland’s Bye Law 8, CPD.
  • Will I need to make an annual return for my firm?
    Yes, an annual return for your firm will be required in 2025. Further details of the process will be made available shortly.
  • How can I access my CPA records?
    You can access your records and those for your firm through the CPA member portal with your CPA membership number and password as before. There is no immediate change to your access to this information.


  • Is there an ongoing requirement to conduct an Annual Compliance Review?
    Yes, the Audit Regulations of Chartered Accountants Ireland require that a Registered Auditor monitor, at least annually, how effectively it is complying with the requirements.

    For further information and guidance please click here.
  • Will there be any changes to my audit reports post the amalgamation date?
    The audit reports issued by your firm should continue to comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2014 and the auditing standards as adopted by the Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority for use in the Republic of Ireland.

    Firms should no longer reference CPA Ireland within the body of their audit reports. Firms can continue to use the terminology Certified Public Accountants/CPA within their firm name for a period of time (maximum 24 months from the amalgamation date).

    A firm may use the description “Chartered Accountants” with effect from 1 September 2024, but only if the firm meets the requirements of Principal Bye-Law 22 of Chartered Accountants Ireland.
  • What CPD must I complete as a Responsible Individual?
    CPA members must implement the CPD requirements of Chartered Accountants Ireland with effect from 1 January 2025. Guidance on these requirements can be found here.

    Chartered Accountants Ireland’s Audit Regulations require Responsible Individuals to undertake CPD which achieve the learning outcomes of IES 8 and to maintain competence with regard to the relevant auditing, financial reporting and legislative frameworks. 
    The CPD requirements for audit purposes for individuals granted RI status by the Chartered Accountants Ireland are set out in the Audit Regulations.  These CPD requirements follow the requirements of company law and statutory auditor competent authorities in Ireland. Guidance in relation to RI CPD obligations is available here.  No exemptions are available from the CPD obligations for RIs in the Audit Regulations.

    Statutory auditors approved by CPA Ireland prior to the amalgamtion date should comply with the CPA CPD requirements for 2024.
  • Will my firm be issued with a new auditing certificate?
    Chartered Accountants Ireland do not issue Registered Auditors with auditing certificates.  CPA Ireland issued auditing certificates to CPA Ireland approved statutory audit firms with an expiry date of 31 March 2025.

    Firms will be advised in due course of the mechanism for renewing licences for 2025.
  • Will my Audit Registration Number change?
    For the immediate future it is anticipated that CPA statutory auditors will retain their current Auditors Registration Number (ARN) going forward. CPA Ireland and Chartered Accountants Ireland continue to engage with the CRO in this regard to ensure that the filing of audited financial statements with CRO continues without any undue disruption.

Quality Assurance
  • What rules and regulations will apply to my quality assurance review?
    Quality Assurance reviews scheduled for 2024 will be conducted in accordance with CPA Ireland’s Bye Law 7.
    Quality Assurance reviews scheduled for 2025 will be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of Chartered Accountants Ireland.
  • Is there any guidance available?
    Guidance on quality assurance reviews conducted in accordance with CPA Bye Law 7 can be found here.

    Quality assurance support and guidance for reviews conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of Chartered Accountants Ireland can be found here.