What is being proposed? 
CPA Ireland and Chartered Accountants Ireland are the only two Irish-based accountancy Institutes headquartered on the island of Ireland.  Following months of discussion regarding closer cooperation, the Councils of both Institutes are asking members to vote on a proposal to amalgamate the two Institutes, to create a single Irish-based accountancy body and the largest professional body on the island of Ireland.
Why amalgamate rather than co-operate on issues?
Over recent months, in a spirit of greater collaboration, Chartered Accountants Ireland and CPA Ireland have been discussing our shared goals, the strategic position of our profession and how to meet the challenges facing us both. Our individual visions, and objectives are so strikingly similar, as are our education and regulatory environments that an amalgamation is the next logical step. By taking this confident step, we will put our members and our Institute in the best position to meet those collective challenges and opportunities now and into the future.
Together, as one Institute with global influence, we will be a stronger voice when advocating for our members, and on behalf of the public interest, with policy makers and other stakeholders. We will be better positioned to promote the value of the profession to society and as a rewarding career to new entrants. 
What will the Institute be named?
Following amalgamation, the newly enhanced organisation will be named Chartered Accountants Ireland.
What does this mean for the Chartered Accountants Ireland brand?
Upon a yes vote and the amalgamation completing, the Chartered Accountants Ireland brand remains as the brand. It is envisaged that post amalgamation that there will be a new refreshed brand identity that encapsulates elements of the CPA Ireland brand.
How many members do both organisations have?
Chartered Accountants Ireland has almost 33,000 members and CPA Ireland has almost 5,000 members.
Are both organisations currently under the same regulatory standards?
Both organisations have been regulated by IAASA in the Republic of Ireland for the best part of two decades and this has increasingly led to greater consistency across education, regulation and professional standards. Both bodies have delegated authority from the Central Bank to authorise members for investment business activities and both are competent authorities for the purposes of Anti-Money Laundering legislation in Ireland. Chartered Accountants Ireland also has statutory regulatory obligations in the UK and is subject to oversight by relevant UK external oversight bodies in that regard.
How many registered audit firms does each organisation have?
Chartered Accountants Ireland has 607 statutory audit firms and CPA Ireland has 262 statutory audit firms in the Republic of Ireland, as of 15th January 2024.
What is the timeline for this?
Both organisations will hold general meetings on Wednesday 21st February, 2024 where members will be asked to approve the amalgamation in principle.
If approved by the members of both organisations, it is envisaged that they will hold further meetings of members later in the year for Chartered Accountants Ireland to approve the necessary changes to the bye-laws and CPA Ireland to approve the legal steps for effecting the amalgamation and certain changes to the constitution of CPA Ireland to facilitate amalgamation.
If the members of both Chartered Accountants Ireland and CPA Ireland pass the relevant resolutions at their respective meetings and the necessary approvals of all relevant regulators are obtained, application will be made to the High Court asking it to sanction the amalgamation. 
Where will the head office be located?
Following amalgamation head office will be located at Chartered Accountants House, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 and in Belfast on Linenhall Street.
What does this mean for the Chartered Accountants Ireland’s current strategy?
The proposed amalgamation is consistent with the strategic objectives outlined in Chartered Accountants Ireland Strategy24R. The proposed amalgamation is a unique opportunity to be an accelerator of Institute Strategy across all core pillars. ‘Redesigning Member Experience, Amplifying our Voice and Brand, Evolving for our Future, Educating career long and Trust.
What does this mean for the CPA Ireland’s current strategy?The strategic objectives of CPA Ireland are largely consistent with those of Chartered Accountants Ireland. The CPA Ireland Council believe that our strategic objectives can be best achieved by amalgamation at this time.