Revenue Return Preparation Facility (RPF) – call for pilot testing.


Revenue have developed a new facility called the Return Preparation Facility (RPF) as they intend to replace the ROS Offline over time.  They have requested our assistance to identify some members who would be willing to test a pilot version of the RPF and to give feedback on it. It is hoped, depending on feedback, to make the RPF available from the ROS homepage at end-June/early-July.
It is intended to run the pilot for the next month or so.  In this regard, please note that the only return that is currently available on the RPF is the 2020 Form 11.  It is intended, depending on feedback, to develop the full range of returns in the facility over the next while.
To participate in the pilot, the identified filers will be sent a weblink to a test version of the RPF. A draft TDM to assist the participants in using the RPF, and also a 1-page ‘feedback’ page to prompt feedback have been prepared, and both these documents are included with this notice below.
Members who are willing to participate in this pilot, should send their contact name, email address and phone number to the ROS Helpdesk ( with the text “RPF Pilot” in the subject bar.

Draft Tax and Duty Manual
Feedback Page