Exam Registration for August 2024 closes on Friday 2 August


A reminder to all students that registration for the August 2024 examinations is now open and will close on Friday 2 August.

Students must register for examinations via their MyCPA portal on the Institute website. Registration will remain open until midnight on Friday 2 August. Please note, there will be no late application facility available so please ensure that you have registered before the deadline. 

A reminder that all outstanding subscription and exemption fees must be paid prior to students being eligible to register for the examinations online. Should you have any problems registering for the examinations please contact Lisa Kelly on 01 4251024 or by email lkelly@cpaireland.ie

Please click here for a detailed timetable of the August 2024 examinations. 

All students who intend to sit examinations this August are strongly advised to access our Resource Page for important information on our online examinations, such as a walkthrough video tutorial, test tutorials, FAQ’s and a pre-check guide. 

At the AGM on 17 May 2024, members of CPA Ireland voted to approve a resolution that would adopt changes to its constitution to facilitate the amalgamation with Chartered Accountants Ireland.  Members also voted at a court ordered meeting of members on 17 May 2024 to approve the scheme of arrangement by which the amalgamation is being effected. This follows the mandate of members to amalgamate both Institutes. As Chartered Accountants Ireland members also approved its bye-law amendments, the two Institutes are now continuing to work towards a joint future. 

The date of 11 July 2024 has been set for the hearing before the High Court necessary to sanction the scheme of arrangement. 

As soon as this phase is completed, we will be in touch with students to advise of next steps where appropriate. 

It is anticipated that, subject to approval of the amalgamation by the High Court, that the amalgamation will take effect on 1 September 2024.