Admission to Membership 2023 - Final Reminder


The closing date for submission of Applications to Membership is 3 November.

Congratulations to the students in Cohort 1 who have been approved for membership. A reminder that payment is due by 10 November, using the links below.  

Fully completed application documents (and payment) must be received in the Institute by 3 November 2023 from Cohort 2 students. There is no guarantee that any late application will be reviewed and processed. 

Payment Links: 

Students who have not yet paid the annual student subscription for 2023/24 must pay the full Application to Membership Fee (€731) by clicking this link (while logged in to MyCPA). 

Students who have paid the annual student subscription for 2023/24 must pay the balance (€601) by clicking on this link (while logged into MyCPA). Please note, if your application to membership is not successful, €601 will be refunded and you will remain as a student for 2023/24.

Please contact Brenda at if you have any queries about the process and how to submit your documents.  

For queries about the content of your Competence and Behaviour Records, please contact Reidin at

Conferring Ceremony 

The Conferring Ceremony will be held on Saturday 9 December in O’Reilly Hall UCD, and we look forward to meeting all of our newly conferred members on the day.