Amalgamation – Financial Information


Information for all students related to the financial effect of the amalgamation with Chartered Accountants Ireland.


Your costs will depend upon your specific situation as outlined below:

Students sitting all remaining subjects under the Chartered Accountants Ireland exam system:

The following table sets out the fees charged by Chartered Accountants Ireland. These fees include course fees, study materials and exam entry fees. 

*A Reduced fee is available for any subject where a candidate can demonstrate that they have paid for a full course, with a CPA Ireland Approved Educator, in the equivalent CPA syllabus subject and have yet to pass that subject.  

For example, if a student paid for a Foundation Level Financial Accounting course with Griffith College and either failed the exam or did not sit, they will be able to avail of the reduced fee for the equivalent course with Chartered Accountants Ireland (e.g. CAP1 Financial Accounting). 



Reduced fee (*subject to eligibility) 

CAP 1 Financial Accounting  



CAP 1 (other subjects) 



CAP 2 Financial Reporting  



CAP 2 (other subjects) 



FAE (all subjects) 



Students will be advised of the process to avail of fee reduction during the onboarding process.   

No further fees are charged to students by Chartered Accountants Ireland.  

  • Registration Fee:           Free of Charge 

  • Annual Subscription:     Free of Charge 

  • Eligible Exemptions:      Free of Charge 

Payment Plan 

The Chartered Accountants Ireland payment plan allows you to pay your fee in three interest-free instalments. To avail of this, you can opt for this plan when you enrol onto each programme.

Students sitting Strategic Level subjects under the CPA Ireland exam system:

There will be no change to the fee structure: 

  • Annual student Subscription payable via MyCPA:                              €130 

  • Exam Fee (per subject) payable via MyCPA:                                        €150/paper 

  • Course Fee (if appropriate) as charged by Approved Educator:      Refer to Educator  

Please note: Students who are sitting a combination of CAP1/CAP2 and Strategic Level subjects will be charged based on a combination of the fees shown above.