Training Records and Admission to Membership


A reminder to all students that Q3 2024 Training Records will be due for submission by 31 October.

Training Records

As previously confirmed, all training records submitted on MyCPA and accepted by CPA Ireland by 31 August 2024 will be recognised by Chartered Accountants Ireland. Students who have been confirmed as "Training Complete" will not have to submit any further training records.

Students who have already started to log training via MyCPA
Please continue to log your training each quarter via MyCPA until advised:
  • That training is complete OR
  • To switch to the CA Diary system
Q3 Training Records are be due by 31 October 2024

Students who have not started to log training via MyCPA
You will log your training via the CA Diary system. You will be advised re how to access your CA Diary and how to register your mentor when you register with CAI.

Please note, for all CPA Ireland students the Training Requirements are unchanged.

Admission to Membership

Students who are both exam complete and training complete will be invited to apply for membership of the amalgamated Institute after the results of the August 2024 exams have been released on 11 October 2024. Students who are hoping to be in a position to apply for membership are reminded to ensure that training records are fully up to date if not already confirmed as “Training Complete”. 

Applicants will be required to submit:

  • Application Form 

  • 4 Competence Records (on MyCPA) 

  • 3 Behavioural Attribute Statements (on MyCPA) 

  • 2 Reference Letters 

  • Admission to Membership Fee 

Further details of the process will be provided in September 2024.