Name: Bhavesh Raichura
Title: Finance Director
Company: The Total Office LLC
Qualifications: M.Com, FCA from ICAI, MBF, CPA Ireland
Why did you decide to start out in a career in accountancy?
I was very a bright student in mathematics, and analysis and number crunching facinated me. I also happened to be in a Hostel in Mumbai which was called The Factory of Chartered Accountants. CA was a prestigious profession back than and still is to date, and that helped to keep my love for the accounting and finance profession intact.
Please provide a brief history of your career.
I started my career doing bank audits and then was part of an internal audit and compliance team for 9 years during my CA Qualification. I decided to do a Master’s in Business Finance in 2012 due to my interest in Corporate Finance and since then I have been working as a CFO, CIO and Finance Partner for a start up called The Total Office LLZ.
Why did you decide to become a member of CPA Ireland?
I believe in lifelong learning and CPA Irelands recognisation interested me and they also offered an MRA for ICA India members. After talking to Eamonn Siggins, CEO CPA Ireland, I was inspired to complete the qualification.
What words would describe what your CPA membership has given you?
The CPA qualification has given me a gateway to Europe.
What has been your biggest career achievement?
I have had many many career achievements but turning around a loss making business into a profit making business at the age of 22 is one which I am extremely proud of.
What or who inspires you most in business?
Education in India is generally not for profit. I am amazed by my Professor JK Shah Sir for not only delivering a tremendous value to millions of students in India, but also developing a successful educational model. I would Love to replicate such social entrepreneurship and have a big impact on society.
What advice would you give to those recently qualified or currently studying for their accountancy qualification?
The world is short of great accountants who can create sustainable business models. We also have high responsibility to keep our skills ethical and to ensure our professional goodwill keeps growing.
What traits do you admire in others?
I admire people that ensure that every skill they acquire is for the greater good of society.