The below represents a summary of the
advance information an audit firm is required to submit to CPA Ireland prior to the commencement of a QA review. This must be submitted electronically by the date as per the initial QA notice. For the detailed requirements for a non-audit firm
Click here.
The timely receipt of this information is important to ensure that your review is planned efficiently and effectively.
Practice Information
- QA-Information -Required 2023-Word document. (Audit) - (Non-Audit) - This guide will support you in preparing the advanced information for submission as part of your Quality Assurance review.
- QA Information required 2023 - Excel tracking tool. (Audit) - (Non-Audit) - This tool is to aid in the receipt of the pre-advanced information. Please can you complete the QA Information required - Excel tracking tool, and return to me completed with your submission of the pre-advanced information.
- Completed Pre-Visit Questionnaire. (Audit) - (Non-Audit)
- The firm’s full client listing identifying audit, audit exempt and non-corporate clients. This should be completed using the standard CPA client list template only. This listing should reconcile fully to the public record and the Pre-Visit Questionnaire as applicable. Any and all variances should be fully reconciled with explanatory notes.
- Most recently completed Annual Compliance Review, detailing the whole firm review.
- A copy of the most recently completed cold file review for each statutory auditor (as applicable), to include the remediation plan compiled to address weaknesses identified in the review.
- Fit and proper declaration for all firm personnel for 2023.
- Independence and confidentiality statement for all firm personnel for 2023.
- ISQM policy document and accompanying firm risk assessment.
- Confirmation the ISQM policy document was communicated to firm’s personnel (as applicable).
- Partnership Agreement (if applicable).
- Copy of firm’s headed paper.
- Continuity of practice agreement (if sole practitioner).
- Professional Indemnity Insurance: Policy document & latest renewal details.
- Copy of most recent Practice Accounts prepared and Management Accounts to date.
- Names of the largest audit and non-audit fees from any client or group of related clients for the last two years.
- Listing of fee invoices raised for the last two years for the firm.
- Current aged debtors analysis.
- Where a Client bank account is held by the firm a copy of the;
- Current bank statements with fully balanced client ledger.
- Supporting documentation, to include client instructions.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
- The CPD records for all statutory auditors as per the pre-visit questionnaire for 2021, 2022 and 2023 to date.
- The CPD plan for the year 2022 and 2023 for each statutory auditor as per the current legislation.
- The CPD records for all non-audit partners and senior audit staff in the firm for 2021, 2022 and 2023 to date.
Anti-money Laundering (AML) Records
- Anti- Money Laundering policies and procedures for the firm.
- Confirmation the AML policy document was communicated to firm’s personnel (as applicable).
- The documented risk assessment of the firm and clients for AML purposes for 2022 and 2023.
- Details of any suspicious transaction reporting made to the relevant authorities undertaken by the firm in 2022 or 2023 to date.
- Details and content of the AML CPD undertaken together with a copy of the AML CPD completed by the firm’s personnel for the previous 12 months.