Miscellaneous Technical Statements - M14 (Revised)- Withdrawn


To assist members in compiling and reporting on Financial Statements of entities not subject to Audit, CPA previously issued the Miscellaneous Technical Statement - M14 (Revised). The most recent issuance of this was in May 2019. This statement is now hereby withdrawn.
Members undertaking compilation engagements should now instead refer to the International Standard on Related Services 4410 (Revised) Compilation Engagements (ISRS 4410) for guidance on the completion of such engagements. This implementation was approved by CPA Ireland Council and takes effect for Accountants Reports issued on or after 1 June 2024.
The adoption of this standard for compilation engagements provides a more robust framework for members to adopt.
We have compiled a technical information document to highlight a number of matters that may be helpful to an accountant undertaking such an engagement and this can be found here.
Further guidance will be issued shortly to support members with this adoption.

IAASA highlight the frequency of quality assurance reviews for auditor
IAASA have highlighted that the statutory requirement regarding quality assurance reviews conducted by the Recognised Accountancy Bodies (RABs) is not limited to every six years.  Please see link to notification here