MRA & OBT applications through CPA closed on 22nd August 2024. Mutual Recognition Agreements will transition to Chartered Accountants Ireland on September 1st 2024. Following 1st September, you will be able to apply through the Chartered Accountants Ireland website here.
The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland (CPA Ireland) and the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA) entered into a mutual recognition agreement (MRA), November 2023.
Under the agreement, members in good standing of either body will be considered for membership by the other body and enjoy the benefits that both organizations can offer. Members wishing to practice public accounting will be required to meet the specific regulatory and legal requirements in each jurisdiction.

You Can Become a CPA Without Ever Leaving Home
CPA is one of the best known international accounting designations and Irish professional qualifications are held in high regard worldwide. By becoming a CPA you are joining a global network. Out of some two and a half million qualified accountants worldwide, one million plus are CPAs. The entire process is online so you will never have to leave the comfort of your own home.
Member Benefits, Discounts and Professional Services
CPA Ireland provides members with a variety of benefits, discounts and professional services. The full range includes financial, health, publication, lifestyle, technical and professional benefits. Professional and technical resources will enable you to remain up to date and at the leading edge of your profession.
Terms &Conditions
A SAIPA member seeking admission to CPA Ireland should have successfully completed:
- The SAIPA examinations, AND
- The SAIPA practical experience requirements, AND
- Any other requirement as may be prescribed by SAIPA from time to time
- Be a member in good standing and not currently subject to any disciplinary sanctions or investigations and has not been subject to any disciplinary sanctions in the past five years, AND
- Be a graduate of a Bachelor of Commerce or equivalent programme offered by a SAIPA accredited tertiary education institution.
CPA Ireland is not obliged to admit as its Member any Member of SAIPA who:
(a) is a Member of SAIPA by virtue of an MRA or any other mutual recognition arrangement with another professional body;
(b) is the subject of a current investigation into his or her professional conduct;
(c) has been subject to any disciplinary sanctions within the five years prior to their application.
You can join CPA in 4 steps:
1. Email PDF copies of all relevant documentation below to
- SAIPA Letter of Goodstanding
- 2 Professional written letters of reference
- ID (Passport or Driving Licence)
- SAIPA Membership Certificate
2. Complete and pass two online courses (available at €125 each):
- Overview of Irish Taxation
- Overview of Irish Law
- Complete and pass the CPA Ireland Professional Level examination in Performance Management, and
- Complete and pass two Mandatory subjects and any two Elective subjects of the CPA Ireland Strategic Level examinations:
a) Advanced Financial Reporting (Mandatory),
b) Strategy & Leadership (Mandatory), and
c) Two examinations (Elective subjects) - Data Analytics for Finance, Advanced Audit & Assurance, Strategic Corporate Finance, Advanced Tax Strategy (if the Advanced Tax Strategy examination is sat and passed, the requirement to complete and pass the Overview of Irish Taxation would not be required.)
Once you have completed steps 1 and 2 above, you can then complete steps 3 and 4.
3. Complete the Online MRA Application form
4. Pay the Administration Fee of €200
If you require further information, please contact